The Master Key System

One of the most powerful mechanisms in my life has been learning and implementation of the Law of Attraction in my life.  Information about this may be found in Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret, or the movie.  Below is an in-depth course on this called The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.  This is ancient wisdom which, legend has it, has been used by a majority of people who have accomplished great things.  Please do not hurry through the text as if it is a novel, but rather, read and re-read each Chapter and let the thoughts resonate with you for several days/a week before moving on to the next Chapter.

Master Key System.pdf Master Key System.pdf
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Type : pdf

Rainbow Music - Your Musical Connection to Well-Being

My great friend, NDG resident Francine Jarry is one of the biggest proponents of the Law of Attraction and has a great many music tracks about this for adults as well as children.  You can find out more information by visiting her website;  Here are several of her Law of Attraction offerings: