A Message from the Creator

Though I often wish I could take credit for the NDG Project, I must humbly admit that I am merely the vehicle, with God as the driver, guiding us toward His vision for a better world. The NDG Project is not my creation—it’s His work, and I am honored to be part of it.

Our mission is to develop and implement a comprehensive series of best practices across every area of human and animal life. These include Income Security, Food and Nutrition, Housing and Shelter, Education, Transportation, Culture, Environmental Stewardship, Public Safety, Communications, Healthcare, Personal Development, Physical Fitness and Sports, Technology, Religion and Spirituality, Animal Welfare, and more.

Ross Harvey

We will use every available resource—time, energy, knowledge, and contributions—to achieve these goals. This vision is vast, and we will reach out to every corner of the globe for support. I firmly believe that, in time, everyone will either benefit from or contribute to this effort.  

A key element of this initiative is engaging the young minds in our community. By partnering with Concordia University’s Loyola Campus, we plan to involve exceptional students as leaders in their respective areas. My hope is that they will find passion in this work, paving the way for future careers within the NDG Project, helping us bring Heaven on Earth to every soul.

I encourage you to join this mission. Please, explore our website and dive into the details of what we aim to achieve. Spread the word among your friends, share our message on social media, and if you feel moved, contribute in whatever way you can. As the saying goes, "If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem." I welcome your comments and suggestions—reach out to me at rossG3@gmail.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting the NDG Project. Together, we can make a difference.

Wishing you peace, love, and joy always.

© Copyright NDG Project

Web Design:  RHWebCreation.com

Norah Jones Come Away with Me.mp3