Premlata 'Natasha' Jowata
Premlata in Hindi means 'spread love.' It was the name her paternal grandmother gave her - upon witnessing her personality as a newborn. There is likely no better adjective to describe Natasha than this!
Natasha is a dedicated nurse and an active community advocate residing in NDG. She is the proud mother of a handsome and wonderful 4-year-old autistic son, Christopher, who brings immense joy and inspiration to her life. Natasha’s professional commitment is matched by her deep involvement in community work. She collaborates with various organizations including The Depot Community Food Centre, Maison Mosaik, Women on the Rise (WOR) and the NDG Community Council, among others. Her vision extends to the creation of Eden House, a pioneering initiative aimed at uniting all helping organizations in the community under one roof, rent-free. This project aspires to implement a unified plan that maximizes support and resources for every community member, reflecting Natasha’s unwavering dedication to her community’s well-being.

Please watch this video created by Natasha