A look seven years down-the-road (2030)...

As individuals, every person in NDG is thriving rather than merely surviving.  While we are not yet at a level of equality for all, poverty has been eliminated from the social landscape.  All our neighbors are now our friends and we are in regular communication with many of them.  At a very local level (block) there are a large variety of activities held regularly, which are getting tremendous support from the community.

We have developed a very effective network down to every resident in NDG.  This has facilitated the flow of information, services and products between all levels.  No person is alone, isolated or lacking of anything the community has to give.  All of the social organizations are experiencing record growth and ability to carry out their missions owing to the great support they are receiving from the community.  Local tradespeople are being patronized as never before, merchants are experiencing unprecedented volumes and as a result are giving back to their community.

The faith institutions have stepped up and taken a central role in the community.  Their message is one of inclusion and love for every human being, whether they be black or white, atheist or religious, rich or poor.  As a result, a great many of our residents are patronizing these institutions regularly.  A vast array of programs and services are mediated through these organizations:  vernssages and art lessons by local artists, plays by local troupes, concerts by local musicians, barbecues and ‘pot luck’ dinners open to everyone and patronized by many.  As far as bringing an end to poverty, the faith institutions are central in this.  It is they who gather from those who have much and disseminate to those who do not have sufficient.  

Love is the order of the day.  On the streets people walk with their heads held high and greet their fellow man with a smile and a jovial 'hello.' 

We have moved to duplicate our successes from NDG not only to other communities across Montreal, but also all across the world.  The world is awakening to a new day and every day more people across the world are joining the movement and growing in love and it all started in NDG! IMAGINE!

Please read this interview about NDG Project:
RH Interview.pdf RH Interview.pdf
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Coming soon!  Show your love for you neighbourhood!